All in all, it was a great day. Mila and I walked to the Central Park Zoo with friends from our apartment complex. Mila was not too happy near the end if the hour+ stroll, but she perked up watching the sea lions once we for there. I didn't get any pics; I think I was so tired from walking, I forgot. Mila eventually got tired and fell asleep. She missed a close up of a snow leopard and a seal lion show. I had a fun time!

Shortly after Mila fell asleep in the stroller, we headed back. I had originally planned not to walk the approximately 50 blocks back, but a cab or bus ride would have woken her so I decided to hoof it. Unfortunately, with the cacophony of afternoon traffic, she woke up at 1st ave & 53rd st, which is maybe halfway. She was not happy. Luckily, Jermaine was off early (!), so he picked up Shay from school and met us for dinner at our favorite kid-friendly sushi place.
Though the kids were tired after a busy day, they enjoyed dinner and green tea ice cream.
The biggest surprise of the day came when we got home. Jermaine actually put some thought and effort into getting me some birthday flowers!
Hey Laura! First of all, Happy Birthday! I've become so fbook birthday lazy, but when it's a prime means of communication with an old friend, it's a little ridiculous to be lazy about it. I'm looking forward to diving more into this blog!