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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter fun

Jermaine had a few days off over the holidays, and we spent as much time as possible outdoors.  Even though it was chilly!  Mila learned to keep her hands in her pockets - now she is obsessed with pockets and notices them everywhere.


We opened a few presents after Christmas to spread out the fun:


Mama and Papa got Shay a LeapFrog "reading pen", which makes the special books (sold separately!) more interactive.  He likes it so far.


We celebrated New Year's Eve at home.  Jermaine baked a lemon meringue pie - yum!

Hot chocolate and library at Bryant Park:

Enjoying singers at the subway station on the way home from the library:




A Very Merry Christmas

Every night, I intend to update the blog after the kids go to bed, but something always gets in the way!  So finally getting to posting some holiday photos...

We definitely kept our doorman busy with a steady flow of deliveries for Christmas.  In California, we would have spread out the gift giving/opening over a few days of celebration with various relatives.  In New York, we had so many gifts that we couldn't open them all on Christmas morning.  Luckily, we still got to connect with family and friends.

Santa hat from Uncle Tony

Grandpa Rob came over to celebrate Chistmas Eve:

Shay was so excited about Batman - thanks Aunt Sharon & Bekka!

Christmas morning:
Santa brought Shay a scooter and a Spiderman helmet.  Now he will fit in with all the other New York kids and travelling around the city without a car will be a little faster.

Jermaine had been really jealous of the kids' pjs, so he finally got some adult footed pjs of his own:

I got a new warm but lightwight coat from my mom, and broke it in on a Christmas day stroll:

More Christmas morning joy:

A few pics of Christmas night with Jermaine's family.  I didn't get to take many, as wrangling kids in a one-bedroom, non-childproofed apartment with 10 other people was not easy!


Huge thanks to everyone who sent out gifts for the kids. In addition to loving the toys and clothes, we talked about our memories of those who sent them. We miss everyone, but you are all often in our thoughts!