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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On vacation!

My friends and I decided to plan and beach getaway, somewhere in between California and New York. Naturally, we ended up in Texas. 

We got all prepared - the kids got new suitcases and were super excited to carry their own stuff. Also had iPods with kid music, a Kindle Fire loaded with cartoons and emergency lollipops. 

The flight there was pretty bad; 3 hour+ delay, including de-boarding and re-boarding the plane (and we had gotten to the airport over 2 hours early!). It was then that the music and lollipops came  in handy :)

Then there was a screaming (like, the whole time!) baby two rows in back of us when we re-boarded. Mila was waaay past her nap and finally fell asleep when that baby really got pissed. The family seemed to have a positive outlook on the situation, but it was pretty miserable for the rest of us. United also refused to serve drinks (even sodas, as my seat neighbor discovered) in between the flight attendant walks up and down the aisle - an unwelcome change from Virgin America and Jet Blue, where you can order anything from your seat at any time. I also heard from my fellow travellers that United flights are regularly delayed. Yikes - we'll see how the flight home goes!